folliculitis after hair transplant

What hair transplant actually is and why we need it?

Hair transplant surgery is one of the most popular surgical treatments of one’s baldness (which could be embarrassing for someone). This treatment can give a happy life full of confidence. So, where we are living in a world full of technology, we have all the possible solutions for every problem so why are we leading a life of embarrassment if we lost our hair (especially men) for some reasons? If every problem has a solution so far we have a surgical solution for our baldness as well. Our surgical doctors came out with a regrowth technique which can give a permanent solution to your baldness. This surgical treatment removes your follicles from one part of the body where the growth is not effected and having no issue, to the balding part of the body or head where the follicles are almost dead. They can use the healthy follicles from the back side of the head to transplant to the bald scalp. It could be the area of your front side of the head or could be near your ears or in the center. Most of the men are having this problem in the center of the scalp. This surgery is not limited to your scalp only, this surgery can also be done to restore your eyelashes, eyebrows, beard , chest hair etc. The most amazing thing is that it does not have any long term or serious side effects. This surgery is very friendly to your skin. The second major amazing thing is, it gives you a more natural look and changes your disappointed life to the confident one. Due to its positive result in the form of a natural look, this surgical treatment of hair growth encourages more people to come forward. But, before going to a surgical treatment you must keep in mind some important points.

hair transplant surgery after folliculitis possible

Right front corner hair transplant procedure

  1. A patient has to quit smoking two weeks before surgery
  2. Prepare yourself to take it easy for a few days after having transplantation because it could be irritated for the patients having sensitive skin.
  3. You must have knowledge about the anesthesia used is of good quality or not, and the surgical instruments are sterilized or not.
  4. The hospital where you will have your hair implantation must follow hygienic instructions before and after the treatment. 
  5. A patient must be aware of the complications that could be faced during the procedure like excessive bleeding, wide cuts, and follicles not being extracted in the one pinch or the unnatural look. In these cases additional surgery may require.

Types of hair procedure and how to take care:

Hair transplant surgery having two well knowing types, those are FUS and FUE. Most preferred one is FUE (follicular unit’s extraction). This method is most famous and preferred one because of its natural results and no definite side effects. This technique is done in a more accurate way because surgeons make small cuts on the scalp. The follicles are extracted one by one from the healthy area and harvested to the area which needs to be treated and a patient has less recovery time. After the transplantation of the graft to the affected area, one must take care of the instructions which were given by the consultant or the respective surgeon. A patient may notice some type of irritation or discomfort after the first night but after that it will reduce with passage of time and you will feel comfortable with your treatment. A patient can have some swelling problem after the surgery but it could be cured by the medication given by the surgeon so have patience. During the first few weeks a patient is prescribed to avoid going outside under the sun, avoid any kind sport which can put stress or burden on your head. It would give you the desired result after twelve months. 

Success rate of hair implantation.

Hair transplant surgery is having a high rate of success all over the world. If we are talking about Pakistan, here also the success rate is the same as internationally just you have to be very careful while choosing a hospital or clinic. Everyone in this world whether a man or a woman is highly concerned with their hair especially men, they are more victim of this shaming situation. The most beneficial thing about this technique in Pakistan is its low cost as compared to the other countries. After seeing the result and natural look of many celebrities of Pakistan who have gone through this treatment, most people move forward to this and believe that this is not something which will go wrong. So in the end it’s a good decision to have hair transplantation if you are facing an embarrassing situation while having a get together in any form. 


Few years back I had pimples on my scalp and my Dermatologist diagnosed it as folliculitis. I lost my hair during this folliculitis disease and after treatment my lost hair grew back. But still there are many spots where I don’t have regrowth. It is now patchy baldness. The scalp patches are scarred and have a burning like effect.  I am 28 years and really embarrassing socially for me. I tried to cover these patchy spots with Toppik and hair building fibers but it’s not a permanent solution. 


Folliculitis is an inflammation of hair and sometimes this inflammatory process destroys the basic structure and bulb. As a result permanent patchy baldness. There are different kinds of folliculitis depending upon etiology and types of cells. However the exact nature of disease is diagnosed after biopsy and nature of folliculitis. After physical examination Dr. Ahmad Chaudhry will decide whether we should proceed for the surgery or not to proceed. what would be the outcome after the procedure will be decided on the basis of activeness of disease. As you said there is patchy hair loss  and disease is not progressive then we can opt for surgery. However sometimes folliculitis reactivate after transplant procedure. It can recur and could be treated with medication. It is better if you can visit our hair transplant clinic in Lahore Pakistan and get an opinion from Dr. Ahmad Chaudhry.

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