Fue using beard hairs is performed in Lahore Pakistan at our clinic by a foreign qualified & experienced surgeon successfully in selected cases where scalp donor area is inadequate due to any reason. Beard follicle extraction and utilization for head should not be priority as donor area of scalp can give best quality and quantity. However, in some selective cases facial follicles can be used as a source for scalp hair transplant procedure. Beard hair texture and character is different from scalp so these should be used in mid scalp or crown area. This source should be used to give coverage or add volume. Some surgeons also use facial follicles for scars of previous surgeries. Body hair can also be used for advance stages of male pattern baldness like Norwood class 6 and 7 as their primary donor area ; back and sides of head would be less. Previously traditional safe donor zones grafts were used but due to advancement in FUE technology, grafts from any part of the body can be extracted. These body hairs can be used for head or scalp .
Fue using beard hair clinic Lahore Pakistan
Beard hairs are coarser as compare to head. Long term survival and growth is good which make it good source for advance level of baldness treatment. Dr. Ahmad Chaudhry is routinely performing body grafts extraction for Norwood class 6 and 7 cases. Such kind of baldness requires 5000 to 6000 grafts and combination of scalp plus body hair can give good coverage.
Beard donor area after extraction
Beard area did not leave any noticeable scar if micro size punches would be used for extraction. However, if punch size will be 1.00 mm or more than there will be strong chances for white dot appearance in the donor area. Normally at our hair transplant clinic in Lahore Dr. Ahmad Chaudhry always used 0.7 mm or 0.85 mm sizes so that there would be no visibility of scars in the area.
What is the cost of Fue using beard hair to head in Lahore pakistan?
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